Thursday, April 28, 2011

Semana Santa Extravaganza

    So during Holy Week all of Spain has this big festival that basically consists of processions and pastries.  I felt like it should be something that I experience while I'm here, so I came home from Germany a few days early to experience some of the fiesta.  However, when the weather is not cooperating this really isn't the best thing to see.  All week long there are processions that correspond with what day of Holy Week it is.  The coolest part is that people carry on their shoulders these huge images that depict a scene that corresponds with the day.  These images are HUGE  and weigh a lot, so it's pretty impressive to see people carrying them for hours.  However, none of the processions can go on if it is raining because the images are not supposed to get wet. It rained everyday off and on.  For the three days I was home I was able to see one and a half of the seven processions there were supposed to be.  :(  But it was still pretty neat.  Also, in the procession are people who wear these hats that cover their faces.  At first it's a little intimidating, but once you get used to it, they weren't so bad.  They wear them to hide themselves from the public so they can remain mysterious and make promises with God.  It was neat to see, but I wish the weather would have been better.

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