Tuesday, May 17, 2011

You Take the Good You Take the Bad...

You take them both and there you have the facts of life!

   Well I only have 8 fun, busy, sad, fast, long days left in Spain!  It's crazy how fast it went by.  I am really excited to come home and there were some days where I wished I had the comforts of back home, but now that there are only 8 days left, I don't know if I'm ready to go.  I feel like I haven't been here that long.  It's definitely one of the best experiences I have had and I will never be able to forget all of the things I have done and seen and friends I have made.

   Those are my thoughts for the day.  I wasn't going to blog again, but I had a dream last night that is telling me I should blog to you all about it.  But before I do, if any of you get the chance to visit Nerja, Spain don't hesitate!!  I just spent three full days lying on the beach doing absolutely nothing and it was fantastic!  And it's SO pretty there!  I even managed to wake up early enough to watch the sunrise over the mountains on the beach!  What a life!

   Now I'm back in Granada and have tests, papers, doing everything that I will miss when I leave, and saying goodbye to some really cool people.  I had one final today and after the test my teacher was saying goodbye to me and I started tearing up.  There were some days when she would make me so angry, but now I realize it was worth it because she has taught me so much.

  Okay dream time along with my interpretations of the dream.

Part 1: I was going on a trip somewhere with my friends Nikki and Ashley.  On our way through security at the airport for some reason I had to show the police officer identification.  So I gave her my passport and she said that was not an acceptable form, so I then gave her my drivers license.  Again, she didn't like that and told me it had to be my Spanish Student I.D.  So I try looking for it everywhere and I couldn't find it.  She wouldn't let me get past through security until I had it.  So I keep looking and finally I find it in the front of my bookbag.  BUT when I get through security Nikki and Ashley are already gone and I am running trying to find our gate because the plan leaves in 10 minutes!  But of course it couldn't be easy...all of the signs were in GERMAN!   So I just run around for a long time, I think I find my gate, walk down the runway thing and I'm magically in a plane that is headed for China!  That was not where we were going!  I get off just before it takes off, however I end up missing my plane.

My interpretation of Part 1:  Plane rides stress me out.  I love traveling, but the actual getting on the plane part is always a hassle.  I'm done riding planes for awhile, and I hope everything goes alright for the way home.

Part 2:  Now I'm wandering around in the airport trying to figure out what to do with myself and who is there to pick me up, Dad.  So I go with Dad in his pick up truck and we stop at Taco Bell so I can go to the bathroom.  I can't find the bathroom, but who is also looking for the bathroom Suzi Young.  So we try to find it but can't so we start leaving, and then who do I run into, Rachel, Wendy Blair, Bill and Kelly Kupersmith, Matt Molitor and Matt's new baby daughter!  This is craziness!  So I'm talking with them on the way to Dad's truck.  Bill keeps asks me what the thing in my hair is called like the United States doesn't own such a thing...it was a headband.  Wendy is asking me all sorts of questions about Spain and to enjoy the next week.  Because apparently I'm going back to Spain without them.  Matt drives off on a motorcycle and Kelly asks me if I can babysit his new baby.  Then Rachel gave me some lottery tickets to scratch off.  We lost.

My interpretation of Part 2: I think this means I'm ready to come home see all of the people I love and miss, eat some processed American Food, and maybe win the lottery...

Feel free to add to the interpretations. :)  See you all soon!!!

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