Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Weekend of Spanish Fun in the Sun

           This weekend I didn't have any trips planned, so you may think that I had a nice relaxing weekend at “home”.  Well, I guess that’s kind of true, but it was so busy!  First, let me just say that Spanish Sun is HOT!  Really hot!!  I can now say that walking to school for thirty minutes is not fun at all!  I think I would have to leave an hour early so I could walk leisurely so I could avoid sweating, but that probably still wouldn't help!

            The weekend started out kind of rough because we had class on Friday. J Yes my new idea of a rough weekend is one when I have class.  What a life!  Saturday we had activities planned with my program to do in Granada.  We walked up to The Sacramonte Caves in the morning.  Can I say again how hot it is here and it was an hour walk from my house up a very large mountain?  When we got there we got to see houses that are built into the mountain.  They look like a little hut from the outside, but then they’re basically caves inside.  We learned about what they used to use them for and how they made, baskets, cloth, and lots of other things. 
Bullfight Arena

            Then that night we went to a bullfight.  If you are like my Mom, no I did not participate. J  It was a bullfight in a stadium, not like a bullfight when you run down the street with bulls running after you.   A bullfight normally consists of six bulls and three bullfighters.  However, this bullfight was a benefit for kids with Down Syndrome, so there were the six best bullfighters from Spain and seven bulls.  If you don’t know about bullfights, I’ll tell you that they kill the bulls at the end, and it takes about a half an hour for each bull.  I sat for 3 ½ hours to watch a bullfight! Crazy!  I didn’t really find it really gross or too sad.  It was sad, but I know that it’s a big custom here so I just kind of thought about it like that.  There first two bulls were new and interesting to me, so it was fun to watch and observe everything that was going on.  The first bull they did the whole thing on horses which was really neat.  That one was probably my favorite to watch and the most frightening as well.  The other six they all did by starting out on horses but then doing the rest on the ground.  But after watching the first two I just got kind of bored.  I think it was because I didn’t know much about it or what makes the bullfighter “good”.  It was interesting to see the entire crowd react and yell.  It was kind of just like a football game.  There was even a bad playing.  It was quite an experience!

            And to finish off the weekend, I spent the day at the park in the sun.  This seemed like a good idea at first because it was so hot and all I would have to do is lay there and do homework. If I didn’t move a lot maybe it wouldn’t feel as hot.  This was a very bad decision.  Spanish sun is a lot stronger than Stockton sun.  I am really burnt.  But I have learned my lesson and hopefully I’ll come back tan. J

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