Sunday, March 20, 2011


 Last week…I don’t really even remember what happened last week.  I think mostly just school.  On Friday my program had a trip to Madrid.  I was really excited to go because everything was paid for and planned out already, so I was thinking it was going to be like a mini vacation.  The truth is, it was my least favorite trip so far.  The weather was really bad, so that didn’t help at all.  Madrid is really big, which I don’t like, and all of the Spanish cities are kind of starting to look the same.  I also didn’t really get a chance to do a whole lot.  I wanted to see the Guernica while I was there but that didn’t end up working out.  But I did get to see inside the palace, which was really pretty, old, and interesting to see, but the tour was a little boring.  I also got to go to The Prado and see some of the paintings I learned about from Ms. Huso.  It was pretty cool to see in person, things that I read about in a Spanish IV book.  It made it all seem a little more real.  My favorites were El 3 de Mayo by Goya and Las Meninas by Velazquez.  While in Madrid I also got to experience my first Spanish play, La Fuga.  It was pretty interesting and funny because of the actions of the characters, but they talked so fast!!  I was able to understand the plot of the play, but it was kind of frustrating because when something funny happened, everyone would be laughing in the audience and we were sitting there wondering what was going on.  It was a great experience though, and the play seemed like it would be pretty good!

 On the way to Madrid we made a pit stop in Toledo.  I enjoyed Toledo more than Madrid.  We had a tour guide take us around the city and tell us a little about the history.  When we say “Holey Toledo!” it comes from Toledo, Spain, because it has 80 churches!!  And trust me, we saw at least 15 on our hour long tour.  In Toledo we also got to ride an 8 million dollar escalator that is in the side of the mountain, so people can get from the bottom of the city to the top!  It was amazing!!  Very cool!  We ended our trip in Toledo, with a trip to a sword factory!  Toledo is known for its stainless steel swords and knives.  That was pretty cool, and I got to whole a sword, so what’s not to like about that! J 

So I think at the beginning of this trip, I kind of started to hit the “this isn’t as fun as it used to be stage”.  It’s not that I don’t like it anymore or am not having fun anymore, but I’m just starting to miss the luxuries of home.  I miss being able to take a hot shower for as long as I want.  I miss knowing exactly what to do when I walk into a restaurant.  I miss being able to understand everything that people say to me, instead of trying to use context clues.  I’m just getting a little frustrated, but this week helped because I had visitors!  Kyle and his family came over for the week to experience a little Spanish Culture. They came at the right time because I think now that I had a little taste of home that I have a second wind to keep exploring and learning new things. I have midterms the next two weeks. :/  The only one I’m really nervous for is my Literature one.  That’s Monday so I should get studying. The next two weekends I have trips planned already and then it will be Spring Break.  These next two months are going to fly by!  

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