Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Carnaval en Malaga

After Gibraltar we went to Malaga before going back home.  We didn't really have any plan once we got to Malaga except to see some of the city and relax.  We were thinking about even going to the beach to just chill for the day.  However our "plans" changed because when we got to Malaga we found out that it was Carnaval.  Carnaval is like a party/celebration that a lot of cities in Spain have.  While we were in Malaga it just turned out to be their week of Carnaval.  So there were a lot of music groups just hanging out in the streets.  Everyone was dressed up in costumes, like it was Halloween!  There was a parade Sunday night, so we went to that.  It was a lot of fun!!  All of the floats and people in the parade threw out confetti and there was music!  It was great!  I decided that confetti is a lot more fun than candy.  I'm really glad that it was Carnaval when we went, because it was a lot of fun!
Malaga Carnaval

Spongebob cast in the Parade!
  The next day, we just hung out in some parks and plazas and people watched.  It was our relaxing day.  We listened to a few more music groups that were playing, and we went to an interactive music museum.  That was pretty cool.  We got to play on the drums and keyboards, and learned about some music history.  It seemed like our whole trip had a music theme, starting with the karaoke bar and ending with the music museum.  It was a really nice and relaxing weekend trip! :)

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