Sunday, February 20, 2011

Relaxation and Getting to Know My Senora

  So second week of classes went well, and I finally have a routine so that was wonderful!  My busiest days are Mondays.  I'm at the school from 8:30am to 9pm.  I have a few hour long break in between classes, but not enough time to go home. We also found out this week that intramurals don't start until the first week of March, so still a few more weeks to wait.  Other than Mondays, I go to school in the morning and then have the afternoons/nights free and no class on Friday. So this week with my free time, I have done a lot of relaxing and have gotten to know my Senora a little better. 

Facts about Senora Perez Pirez
  1) She has 3 children.  Two girls and a boy.  Apparently my roommate Kelsi looks like one of them, because when the oldest daughter comes to visit that's what she always tells us.
  2) We had a conversation about what I study in school.  I told her math and that I want to be a math teacher.  She then went on a rant about how she doesn't like math and that it's hard, so that must mean I have a big hard head. 
 3) She asked us at lunch the other day which of us spoke more Spanish, Kelsi or I.  I said Kelsi probably does.  Then she went on about how we don't understand anything or talk much.  This is not true.  I really understand a lot, it just takes me awhile to think of how to respond in Spanish, and the lady does not like to stop talking so there is very little time to respond.  She thinks I don't know, but I do. :)
4)  Two days ago at supper I heard a noise and so I started to look around the kitchen.  Above the sink I spotted a bird in a cage!! A bird!  This is a new addtiton to our house!  So the next day we were going to ask her about it, because she wasn't in the house at the moment.  So the next day at lunch I'm looking to see where the bird is, and it's not there!  Who gets a bird for just one day!  So we asked her where it went.  First off, she was really excited that we knew the word for bird.  Why?  I don't know, because it's a simple word, but that's okay.  So she told us, that she put it the extra bedroom we have (that no one uses) so it could see people on the street and then maybe it would start singing.  Because she's had it for one day and it hasn't sang yet.  She said that it was expensive and that if it didn't start singing soon, she was going to take it back. This made me laugh because it sounded so familiar to me :)  So yes, now we have a bird that is locked up in a room no one goes into. 
5) She is diabetic.
6) She asked me again what I studied, again I replied math, and we had the exact same conversation.  She doesn't listen very well.  But that's alright because then we have things to talk about all the time.

   On Thursday night we went wine tasting for school. We have Granada Seminars like three times a week, and this week's was on wine tasting.  It was a lot of fun and really interesting.  A lady taught us how to properly hold a wine glass.  We learned about the different types of wines and how to tell how old or how much alcohol is in it just by looking at it.  We got to do the whole, twirling, smelling, tasting thing too which was fun.  However, I learned that I do not like wine.  It was not good.  But it was a really fun experience!

  Not much happened this week, but it was really nice to just hangout and get to know Senora Perez Pirez a little better. 

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