Monday, February 14, 2011

First Week of Classes

  Classes started this week and they seem to be going pretty well. All of my classes are in Spainsh, so I am learning about other things, but the teachers lecture in Spanish.  It's pretty easy to understand them, because they know that we are hear learning the language as well.  They slow down a lot and try to use words we are more familiar with, or at least lots of hand gestures.  It's much easier than understanding my Senora.  However, it is easy to stop paying attention because you have to constantly translate what they are saying.  It's kind of a good and bad thing.  It forces me to concentrate so I know what they are saying, but sometimes I have no idea so I start to daydream.  I should work on not doing that.  But so far, they're all going well!

   I am taking a Spanish Literature class, Islamic Culture, History of Art in Spain, a Grammer class, and an oral and writing class.  Plus, through our program we have to take phonetics, tutorials, and Granada Seminar.  We only have those one day a week though. I think Islamic Culture is going to be my favorite class.  It's really interesting and the teacher is funny so it makes the time go by faster.  My least favorite class already is Literature.  No me gusta!  It's very boring, hard, and it's at 8am.  Not a good combination.  I found out on Thursday that I didn't go to my Tutorials class which is on Mondays.  Oops!  I didn't even know I was taking that class!  Apparently, there were a lot of people that didn't go to theirs either.

  The best news about classes here, is I don't have any on Friday!  It's fantastic!  And today we registered the classes we are taking here so we can get credit at Central.  My class load here is equivalent to 19 credits there!  It's crazy because it doesn't seem like that many.  I guess that's a good thing.

    Well I don't know much more, expect we are trying to plan a trip for next weekend.  We don't really know where we want to go though.  Suggestions are welcome! :)

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