Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week One

Hi everybody!  I'm going to try to update this once a week or every other week.  I'll send you an email when I update it, but feel free to stop in whenever you would like. 
I've been in Granada for 5 days now!  They have been keeping me busy so it seems like I've been here for a lot longer.  I live with my Señora Maria Luisa Peréz Pirez and another girl from Central, Kelsi.  Our Señora is very nice, but she talks pretty fast and we don't understand her a lot.  Each day has been getting easier though.  We live in an apartment, and Kelsi and I share a room that is purple!! I know, I couldn't believe it either! 
I am attending the Center of Modern Languages (Center de Lenguas Modernas) in Granada.  We haven't started our real classes yet, but we have orientation classes for two weeks.  So far we have talked about our class schedules, what to expect from our host families, service learning projects, and a little Spanish grammer and vocabulary.  We also are going on a few excursions with the program this first two weeks.  One day we took a tour of the Center of Granada, which was very helpful to find our way around the city.  Today we went to the Albycin, which is one of the oldest parts of Granada and is at the highest spot in Granada.  It was so beautiful!  Later this week we are going to see the Alhombra, and next week we spend 4 days in Morocco.
My real classes start either February 1st or the 7th.  It depends on what level I test into.  Right now I am right on the border, so I'll have to wait and see.  I am hopefully going to be doing a service learning project at a school starting in a couple of weeks.  My school also offers intramural sports, so I am going to be able to play volleyball and basketball once a week!  I'm very excited about that!
Well that's all for now, but feel free to ask questions about anything I may have missed.  I'm going to try to put up pictures on facebook soon.  ¡Adios!

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